It’s Over! How to Survive a Breakup


Surviving a breakup isn’t always as easy as it sounds. One who faces such a tragic situation knows how hard it is to face whether it was a short-term or long-term relationship.

When you had a bond with him/her you feel severe pain when you broke up with them. You miss each small and large moment – laughs you made together, cuddles you had, fights, movies, walk, and dates, hence every moment of love and affection. You also see a flashback of each dream you saw together.

Sigh! Nothing left now. You got dumped or broke up with someone without whom you never imagined to live. But, now you have to live. Despite suicidal thoughts, feelings to live alone and another such kind of stuff; you have to move on for those who love you. For yourself too. And also to show your ex that you can live happily without him too.

Be brave, you can do it. You can show him/her that you can survive in such a pathetic situation easily. Here I will give you top tips to survive an unwanted breakup situation. (And if it was you who ended up with someone, I will also suggest you to continue reading for future.)

Cry, Cry, and Cry: 


Buddy, bursting into tears is natural. Unlike others, I won’t ask you not to cry. Let this liquid flow, along with all the memories from the past. Cry as much as you want in a single time. Don’t over cry for the one who left you without caring a bit for you.

Find Cheers: 

Smile, Taylor Swift

Don’t make yourself lonely. Get around those who make you smile. Have a time with your family. Ask your friends for a cup of tea. Go out with kids. Surround yourself with those who boost you and make you laugh, or even smile.

Engage Yourself in Amusing Activities: 


In this busy world, people can’t be around you all the time. So you need to do something alone too. Indulge yourself in activities that heal you. It could be reading, gardening, working out, watching movies and other stuff of such kind. Carefully pick the option that makes you happy, and avoid negative emotions.

Have Plentiful Sleep: 


There is nothing more freshening to your mind and body than a quality sleep. Take a lot of it. If you have a problem going to sleep because of hurting thoughts, keep a good book beside you, listen to songs. Starting countdown or reciting your favorite quote repeatedly can also help you fall asleep.

Eat Healthy: 

Eat Healthy

Whether it’s me or you, no one wants to eat in a breakup situation. Do it forcefully. Consume healthy items; drink a lot of water, have a bunch of fresh fruits and vegetables and eat meal regularly. Avoid consuming alcohol, cigarette, drugs or overdosage of coffee and tea.

Don’t Go for Another Relation: 


Yes, I faced several who say that move on. Hold the hands of him or her. I am here for you, please accept my proposal. I will never let you down. Blah, Blah, Blah. Don’t put ear towards such rubbish. It may help you in short-term, but as the time passes, you will that there is nothing such as a committed partner in this relation.

Don’t waste yourself for someone who doesn’t care about you and your feelings. Trust yourself and do what you wish to do. Achieve every success that you wished to have in your life. Remember that you are strong enough to live without the support of everyone.

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